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Billing Office: 415-989-2020
Surgery Scheduling: 415-981-2025
Russian Language: 415-981-2024
Fax: 415-981-2019
Tracing our origin back to 1941, the Glaucoma Center of San Francisco has one of the largest number of glaucoma specialists in one location on the West Coast. We are proud of the team of Doctors we've assembled.
Sunita Radhakrishnan, MD joined the Glaucoma Center of San Francisco in 2007. After completing medical school in India, Dr. Radhakrishnan completed ophthalmology residencies at the Chennai Medical College, India, and at the Cole Eye Institute, Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, OH. She then completed a clinical glaucoma fellowship at the Wilmer Eye Institute at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD.
Her research interests include imaging of the anterior chamber angle and optic nerve, angle-closure glaucoma, and OCT technology. She is the Research Director of the Glaucoma Research & Education Group and provides guidance to the Shaffer glaucoma fellows in their research projects. She also teaches ophthalmology residents and medical students at California Pacific Medical Center and UC San Francisco. Dr. Radhakrishnan is an active member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the American Glaucoma Society and is a peer reviewer for several ophthalmology journals. In addition to her clinical and research activities, she is involved in patient education through her work as Editor-in-Chief of Gleams, a newsletter published by the Glaucoma Research Foundation in San Francisco, CA.
Further complementing the multicultural team at the Glaucoma Center of San Francisco, Dr. Radhakrishnan speaks Hindi, some Malayalam, and some Tamil.